Diaries of our journey 

Our journey as parents took a special turn on receiving diagnosis of autism. Its been 4 years since. We have come a long way and have a long way to go. We hope these journals would act as way finders to help us guide if we are lost. 

With so many therapists and medications we are not really sure if it’s helping or not. Well here goes nothing… 

Dj my beautiful 6 year old daughter was diagnosed with persuasive developmental disorder- not otherwise specified (PDD- NOS) in February 2013 in India. She later recieved diagnosis of Autism and speech delay in July 2013 in usa. She was 2 and half years old and non verbal. We started Aba therapy in October 2013 and she spoke her first word “up” in December 2014. 

We started speech therapy which helped. And joined in her swimming classes.  There were many others things i could / should have done but well I suppose thats past for you.

In august 2014 Dj started public pre-school. She was happy and never cried to go to school. At end if day 1 We did have issues/ crying as she didn’t know the meaning of wait and that she can only go to mom when teachers asks to go. She cried well after school, about 20 minutes as teacher showed her how. We loved her teacher who was an experienced special ed. Dj could label words and tell her name and repeat simple words. We visited India for two month vacation and when we were back devya knew all her alphabets and she could say a for apple, a for ant all the way to z for zebra and z for zoo. But we did run into issues with complaince and not wanting to go to school after the trip. Swings before school started helped. And she was back to her self in few weeks time. Grocery store trips was still tough and so were her temper tantrums. 

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